
mphumalanga student with headmaster

         5 Reasons Your Facebook Landing Page Gets Rejected 1. It Doesn’t Match Your Ad This is probably the biggest issue that we see, and it can often happen unintentionally. A lot of time advertisers will create ads just for the purpose of getting the click, and the offer or information on the landing page ends up being very different from the initial impression on the ad. If you’re offering a sale, your ad shouldn’t send users to a landing page that showcases something else. Make sure that what you’re advertising on your ad matches what you’re presenting on your landing page, and you’re already ahead of a lot of other advertisers. 2. It Has Automatic Downloads Whether these downloads are malware, spyware, or something completely innocent that the user even came there to get, your landing page cannot have automatic downloads of any kind—even if the users are notified that it’s happening. Even if users come to your landing page for that download (for example, ...
  5 Reasons Your Facebook Landing Page Gets Rejected 1. It Doesn’t Match Your Ad This is probably the biggest issue that we see, and it can often happen unintentionally. A lot of time advertisers will create ads just for the purpose of getting the click, and the offer or information on the landing page ends up being very different from the initial impression on the ad. If you’re offering a sale, your ad shouldn’t send users to a landing page that showcases something else. Make sure that what you’re advertising on your ad matches what you’re presenting on your landing page, and you’re already ahead of a lot of other advertisers. 2. It Has Automatic Downloads Whether these downloads are malware, spyware, or something completely innocent that the user even came there to get, your landing page cannot have automatic downloads of any kind—even if the users are notified that it’s happening. Even if users come to your landing page for that download (for example, I managed an ad campaigns w...